Supra generations

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    Supra generations

    The Toyota Supra Community for all Supra generations

    Toyota Supra A90

    Owners of the fifth generation Toyota Supra are thrilled about that car

    Toyota Supra MKIV

    In July 1993, the fourth and so far last generation of the Supra came on the market. Internationally, this type is called " Supra MKIV ".

    Toyota Supra MKIII

    In early 1986, the third generation of the Supra was introduced. It is also the first that has not been marketed with the suffix Celica.

    Celica Supra (MK2)

    The second generation was presented in the fall of 1981 and had a completely independent drive with the new (170 hp) 6-cylinder engines.

    2000GT & Supra MK1

    The first Supra built from spring 1978 to summer 1981 was still offered as a top version of the Celica first in Japan and later in the United States.

    Toyota Classics

    Photos, videos and informations about the Toyota 2000GT & Celica XX Supra

    Toyota 2000GT & Celica Supra

    The first Supra built from spring 1978 to summer 1981 was still offered as a top version of the Celica first in Japan and later in the United States.

    MK 2

    Photos, Videos, Infos and more for the Toyota Supra MK2

    Celica Supra MKII (MA 60/61)

    The second generation was presented in the fall of 1981 and had a completely independent drive with the new (170 hp) 6-cylinder engines.

    MK 3

    Photos, Videos, Infos and more for the Toyota Supra MK3s

    Toyota Supra MKIII (MA70/MA71)

    The second generation was presented in the fall of 1981 and had a completely independent drive with the new (170 hp) 6-cylinder engines.

    MK 4

    Photos, Videos, Infos and more for the Toyota Supra MKIV

    Toyota Supra MKIV (A80)

    In July 1993, the fourth and so far last generation of the Supra came on the market. Internationally, this type is called " Supra MKIV ".

    MK 5

    Photos, videos, informations and more about the new Toyota Supra

    Toyota Supra MKV (A90)

    Owners of the fifth generation Toyota Supra are thrilled about that car
    Modelle: ClassicsMK2MK3MK4MK5
    Repair Manual

    Problem symptoms table 2JZ-GE engine - Diagnostics - Toyota Supra A80


    When the malfunction code is not confirmed in the DTC check and the problem still can not be confirmed in the basic inspection, then proceed to this step and perform troubleshooting according to the numbered order given in the table below.

    Symptom Suspect Area See page
    Does not start (Engine does not crank) 1. Starter and Starter relay ST-14
    Does not start (No initial combustion)
    1. ECM power source circuit
    2. Fuel pump control circuit
    3. Engine control module (ECM)
    Does not start (No complete combustion) 1. Fuel pump control circuit DI-110
    Difficult to start (Engine cranks normally)
    1. Starter signal circuit
    2. Fuel pump control circuit
    3. Compression
    Difficult to start (Cold engine) 1. Starter signal circuit 2.Fuel pump control circuit DI-121
    Difficult to start (Hot engine)
    1. Starter signal circuit
    2. Fuel pressure control circuit
    3. Fuel pump control circuit
    Poor idling (High engine idle speed)
    1. A/C signal circuit (compressor circuit)
    2. ECM power source circuit
    Poor idling (Low engine idle speed)
    1. A/C signal circuit (compressor circuit)
    2. Fuel pump control circuit
    Poor idling (Rough idling)
    1. Compression
    2. Fuel pump control circuit
    Poor idling (Hunting)
    1. ECM power source circuit
    2. Fuel pump control circuit
    Poor Driveability (Hesitation/Poor acceleration)
    1. Fuel pump control circuit
    2. A/T faulty
    Poor Driveability (Surging) 1. Fuel pump control circuit DI-110
    Engine stall (Soon after starting) 1. Fuel pump control circuit DI-110
    Engine stall (During A/C operation)
    1. A/C signal circuit (compressor circuit)
    2. Engine control module (ECM)
    This guide is based on the book edition Toyota (RM502U, 1997)
    Oxwall Community Software