Align the pulley set key with the key groove of the pulley.
Slide on the timing pulley facing the flange side inward.
Do not scratch the sensor part of the crankshaft timing pulley.
Install idler pulley
Apply adhesive to 2 or 3 threads of the pivot bolt. Adhesive: Part No. 08833-00080, THREE BOND 1344, LOCTITE 242 or equivalent
Using a 10 mm hexagon wrench, install the plate washer and pulley with the pivot bolt. Torque: 35 N·m (350 kgf·cm, 26 ft·lbf)
Check that the pulley bracket moves smoothly.
Temporarily install timing belt
The engine should be cold.
Use the crankshaft pulley bolt to turn the crankshaft, and align the dot mark on the crankshaft timing pulley and the timing mark on the oil pump body.
Remove any oil or water on the crankshaft timing pulley and idler pulley, and keep them clean.
Install the timing belt on the crankshaft timing pulley and idler pulley.
When re-using timing belt: Align the matchmarks of the crankshaft timing pulley and timing belt, and install the belt with the arrow pointing in the direction of engine revolution.
Install timing belt guide Install the guide, facing the cup side outward.
Install No.1 timing belt cover
Install the gasket to the timing belt cover.
Install the timing belt cover with the 5 bolts. Torque: 8.0 N·m (80 kgf·cm, 71 in.·lbf)
Install crankshaft pulley
Align the pulley set key with the key groove of the pulley, and slide on the pulley.
Using SST, install the bolt. SST 09213-70010, 09930-00021 Torque: 324 N⋅m (3,300 kgf⋅cm, 239 ft⋅lbf)
A/T: Connect oil cooler tubes
Install camshaft timing pulleys
Align the camshaft knock pin with the groove of the pulley, and slide on the timing pulley.
Temporarily install the timing pulley bolt.
Using SST, tighten the pulley bolt. SST 09960-10010 (09962-01000, 09963-01000) Torque: 79 N⋅m (810 kgf⋅cm, 59 ft⋅lbf)
Set No.1 cylinder to TDC/compression
Turn the crankshaft pulley, and align its groove with timing mark ”0” of the No.1 timing belt cover.
Always turn the crankshaft clockwise.
Using SST, align the timing marks of the camshaft timing pulleys and No.4 timing belt cover. SST 09960-10010 (09962-01000, 09963-01000)
Install timing belt
When re-using timing belt: Align the matchmarks of the timing belt and camshaft timing pulleys
Remove any oil or water on the camshaft timing pulley, and keep it clean.
Install the timing belt, checking the tension between the crankshaft timing pulley and exhaust camshaft timing pulley.
Set timing belt tensioner
Using a press, slowly press in the push rod using 981 - 9,807 N (100 - 1,000 kgf, 220 - 2,205 lbf) of force.
Align the holes of the push rod and housing, pass a 1.5 mm hexagon wrench through the holes to keep the push rod retracted.
Release the press.
Install the dust boot onto the tensioner.
Install timing belt tensioner
Temporarily install the tensioner with the 2 bolts.